About IAX

The IAX product is an access controller technology product that is reliable, trustworthy, durable, affordable and in the lead since 2010. IAX products are domestically produced and in the process of certification of TKDN (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri) .

IAX focuses on network-based and access controller products that can be integrated with several devices such as, doors, gate, lift, CCTV, lockers. IAX is under the auspices of PT Aksesindo Buana Perkasa.

Tentang Kami
Tentang Kami


  • To become the most reliable and trusted product in technology access and securities across industries.
Tentang Kami


  • Providing the best solution in access integration for both credentialed device and un-credentialed device.
  • Providing the best and fastest service in the process of product installation and integration.
  • To be responsive and responsible before and after the product installation and integration process.