
Software is an important component in implementing electronic security system solutions. IAX series is equipped with L-Intelligent Access software to be able to manage the integration of the IAX controller network and reader devices credentials. L-Intelligent Access has additional modules that come into play to integrate visitor management and monitoring systems security system.

L - Intelligent Access

L-Intelligent Access is a management software to manage and monitor access control systems. This software specifically designed using the latest technology available to meet the latest software and access control challenges.

L-Intelligent Access features a simple user interface yet versatile, providing complete protection of the access system control, efficient and cost-effective, and can be customized to meet the most difficult and challenging user needs.

Ilustrasi Software LIA

Basic Features :

  • Scheduling work days and holidays
  • Management of readers & readers group
  • Management of access devices, credential holders & group, credentials (card & PIN)

Extra Features :

  • Area management
  • Global real & timed anti-passback
  • Multirole access
  • Elevator control
  • Monitoring & global I/O binding

Electronic Visitor Application

Electronic Visitor Application is a software solution that is designed using the latest technology available for registering and managing visitors electronically. Electronics Visitor Application can be run in standalone mode, which is very similar to a guestbook but in electronic form.

This software can also be run as a module to the L-Intelligent Access device, enabling access control software visitors and automatically granting electronic access to the allowed area.

Ilustrasi Software EVA

Features :

  • Visitor Check In
  • Visitor Check Out
  • Automatic Check Out
  • Visitor Reports
  • Integration with L-Intelligence Access
  • Integration with webcam, fingerprint scanner, QR reader, printers

L-Visual Integration Platform

L-Visual Integration Platform (VIP) is a high level visual software capable of integrating CCTV systems, access electronic controls, security alarm systems, digital electronic I/O and analog in one application.

The application can communicate directly with the other electronic system at higher level network layer which uses documented protocols, application programming interfaces (APIs), and software development tools (SDK).

Ilustrasi Software VIP

Features :

  • Interactive map of electronic devices
  • Multi monitor integration
  • CCTV user interface
  • Access control interface
  • Security alarm interface
  • Event binding, trigger and action
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